Enum Keys
Defines the keys on a keyboard.
Namespace: SadConsole.Input
Assembly: SadConsole.dll
public enum Keys
Name | Description |
A | A key. |
Add | Add key. |
Apps | Applications key. |
Attn | Attn key. |
B | B key. |
Back | BACKSPACE key. |
BrowserBack | Browser Back key. |
BrowserFavorites | Browser Favorites key. |
BrowserForward | Browser Forward key. |
BrowserHome | Browser Start and Home key. |
BrowserRefresh | Browser Refresh key. |
BrowserSearch | Browser Search key. |
BrowserStop | Browser Stop key. |
C | C key. |
CapsLock | CAPS LOCK key. |
ChatPadGreen | Green ChatPad key. |
ChatPadOrange | Orange ChatPad key. |
Crsel | CrSel key. |
D | D key. |
D0 | Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. |
D1 | Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. |
D2 | Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. |
D3 | Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. |
D4 | Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. |
D5 | Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. |
D6 | Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. |
D7 | Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. |
D8 | Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. |
D9 | Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. |
Decimal | Decimal key. |
Delete | DEL key. |
Divide | Divide key. |
Down | DOWN ARROW key. |
E | E key. |
End | END key. |
Enter | ENTER key. |
EraseEof | Erase EOF key. |
Escape | ESC key. |
Execute | EXECUTE key. |
Exsel | ExSel key. |
F | F key. |
F1 | F1 key. |
F10 | F10 key. |
F11 | F11 key. |
F12 | F12 key. |
F13 | F13 key. |
F14 | F14 key. |
F15 | F15 key. |
F16 | F16 key. |
F17 | F17 key. |
F18 | F18 key. |
F19 | F19 key. |
F2 | F2 key. |
F20 | F20 key. |
F21 | F21 key. |
F22 | F22 key. |
F23 | F23 key. |
F24 | F24 key. |
F3 | F3 key. |
F4 | F4 key. |
F5 | F5 key. |
F6 | F6 key. |
F7 | F7 key. |
F8 | F8 key. |
F9 | F9 key. |
G | G key. |
H | H key. |
Help | HELP key. |
Home | HOME key. |
I | I key. |
ImeConvert | IME Convert key. |
ImeNoConvert | IME NoConvert key. |
Insert | INS key. |
J | J key. |
K | K key. |
Kana | Kana key on Japanese keyboards. |
Kanji | Kanji key on Japanese keyboards. |
L | L key. |
LaunchApplication1 | Start Application 1 key. |
LaunchApplication2 | Start Application 2 key. |
LaunchMail | Start Mail key. |
Left | LEFT ARROW key. |
LeftAlt | Left ALT key. |
LeftControl | Left CONTROL key. |
LeftShift | Left SHIFT key. |
LeftWindows | Left Windows key. |
M | M key. |
MediaNextTrack | Next Track key. |
MediaPlayPause | Play/Pause Media key. |
MediaPreviousTrack | Previous Track key. |
MediaStop | Stop Media key. |
Multiply | Multiply key. |
N | N key. |
None | Reserved. |
NumLock | NUM LOCK key. |
NumPad0 | Numeric keypad 0 key. |
NumPad1 | Numeric keypad 1 key. |
NumPad2 | Numeric keypad 2 key. |
NumPad3 | Numeric keypad 3 key. |
NumPad4 | Numeric keypad 4 key. |
NumPad5 | Numeric keypad 5 key. |
NumPad6 | Numeric keypad 6 key. |
NumPad7 | Numeric keypad 7 key. |
NumPad8 | Numeric keypad 8 key. |
NumPad9 | Numeric keypad 9 key. |
O | O key. |
Oem8 | Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. |
OemAuto | OEM Auto key. |
OemBackslash | The OEM angle bracket or backslash key on the RT 102 key keyboard. |
OemClear | CLEAR key. |
OemCloseBrackets | The OEM close bracket key on a US standard keyboard. |
OemComma | For any country/region, the ',' key. |
OemCopy | OEM Copy key. |
OemEnlW | OEM Enlarge Window key. |
OemMinus | For any country/region, the '-' key. |
OemOpenBrackets | The OEM open bracket key on a US standard keyboard. |
OemPeriod | For any country/region, the '.' key. |
OemPipe | The OEM pipe key on a US standard keyboard. |
OemPlus | For any country/region, the '+' key. |
OemQuestion | The OEM question mark key on a US standard keyboard. |
OemQuotes | The OEM singled/double quote key on a US standard keyboard. |
OemSemicolon | The OEM Semicolon key on a US standard keyboard. |
OemTilde | The OEM tilde key on a US standard keyboard. |
P | P key. |
Pa1 | PA1 key. |
PageDown | PAGE DOWN key. |
PageUp | PAGE UP key. |
Pause | PAUSE key. |
Play | Play key. |
PRINT key. |
PrintScreen | PRINT SCREEN key. |
ProcessKey | IME PROCESS key. |
Q | Q key. |
R | R key. |
Right | RIGHT ARROW key. |
RightAlt | Right ALT key. |
RightControl | Right CONTROL key. |
RightShift | Right SHIFT key. |
RightWindows | Right Windows key. |
S | S key. |
Scroll | SCROLL LOCK key. |
Select | SELECT key. |
SelectMedia | Select Media key. |
Separator | Separator key. |
Sleep | Computer Sleep key. |
Space | SPACEBAR key. |
Subtract | Subtract key. |
T | T key. |
Tab | TAB key. |
U | U key. |
Up | UP ARROW key. |
V | V key. |
VolumeDown | Volume Down key. |
VolumeMute | Volume Mute key. |
VolumeUp | Volume Up key. |
W | W key. |
X | X key. |
Y | Y key. |
Z | Z key. |
Zoom | Zoom key. |